Is it time to rethink your data centre infrastructure?

The future defined data centre: we have reached a pivot point

October 3, 2017 10:00 am GMT

We live in a world that is increasingly governed by data. Whether you’re a user or a consumer of data, it’s clear that the amount of data being generated is growing exponentially and becoming embedded in every part of life. And this trend will only continue as the devices we surround ourselves with become more capable and increase in capacity. The need for data and data infrastructure has become the new normal, yet not all enterprises have kept pace with this new reality.

This data explosion creates new challenges for traditional data centres. The data centre of the future must be flexible and agile, relevant to current business needs, and remain relevant as future requirements emerge. Huge changes in the market from big data, analytics, AI and cloud require data centres to adopt new technologies such as software-defined storage, software-defined networking and hybrid cloud systems. So, do your data centres have the infrastructure to accommodate and grow with change? Have you got the balance right between maintaining and upgrading your data centres? Are you struggling under the weight of your data and failing to use it to generate valuable insights? Join this roundtable to find out more.

Discussion Points

  • Rethinking data centre infrastructure
  • The importance of software defined storage
  • Leveraging the right data for a successful digital business
  • What role hybrid cloud and AI play in your organisation
Ben Thompson
Editor and Presenter at MeetTheBoss TV