Is your business instinctively innovative?

Delivering on the promise of digital: how to do innovation at scale

May 10, 2018 10:00 am GMT

According to MIT, companies that have embraced digital are 26% more profitable than their competitors and enjoy a 12% higher market valuation. Improvements in operational performance and customer experience bring meaningful rewards, data-driven insights mean smarter decision-making, and being perceived as a digital leader is critical for attracting the next generation of talent.

Which means it is time to stop thinking of digital as something separate to the business. Digital should be integral to everything you do – especially innovation.

Innovation is the ultimate expression of the digital business: agile, built for change, ready to embrace disruption. The question – as always – is how. How do you make innovation instinctive? How do you do real innovation? And how do you do it at scale?

Join five other senior IT and business executives and thought leaders on this roundtable to discuss how we deliver on a key promise of digital transformation, and discover the recipe for becoming an innovative business.

Discussion Points

  • How do we make innovation instinctive?
  • How do we do it at scale?
  • The recipe for becoming an innovative business
  • Make it real: pragmatic examples from innovative businesses
Ben Thompson
Editor and Presenter at MeetTheBoss TV