Glad that you can join us on this Virtual Showcase. In order to confirm attendance we ask all our attendees to provide us with the following details to ensure the roundtable runs smoothly and effectively, and you all get the most out of your time together. Without them being complete we will not be able to confirm your attendance to the broadcast team.
In order to confirm your position, please complete the importance of the following subtopics below, this will enable us to tailor the content of the Virtual Showcase so as to create relevance to your needs. Rank each on a 1-5 scale with 5 being very important and 1 not being of any interest, followed by the questions which will help us deliver maximum value.
The technology test is a mandatory requirement to ensure we deliver the best possible experience both for yourself and to deliver on the Meet the Boss TV standards. If you are unavailable please provide contact details of IT contact within your organisation and confirm the contact date.
The feedback call is a mandatory review call with our Quality Manager after the virtual showcase session to hear your thoughts on the discussion.
Thank you for completing the confirmation form. This provides the details that allow us to ensure the highest standards are met for all of our attendees.
The details you have provided ensure the broadcast team can formalize your Virtual Showcase and deliver a valuable experience for you and your peers.
Terms & Conditions
(i) You have agreed to fully participate for 90 minutes during the Virtual Showcase outlined above on the date and time stated within this confirmation form.
(ii) You have agreed to comply with our house rules in regards to your participation on the Virtual Showcase. Any non-adherence to the rules may result in you being removed from the Virtual Showcase and jeopardize any future attendance.
(iii) You have agreed to undertake a short tech test to ensure your location and device is suitably appropriate for the Virtual Showcase technology.
(iv) 7 or more days before the Virtual Showcase, if you are not able to attend, we ask that you work with us to provide a replacement of equal standing.
(v) Cancelling your participation within 7 days of the Virtual Showcase without providing a suitable replacement may jeopardize your suitability to join any future events, Virtual Showcase, etc.
(vi) You have agreed to attend a 5-10 minute post Virtual Showcase telephone review meeting within 48hrs of the Virtual Showcase conclusion.
(vii) Our Virtual Showcase are exclusive and there are limited spaces available. Non-attendance, after agreeing to these terms and conditions, may jeopardize your suitability to join any future Virtual Showcase.
(viii) The Virtual Showcase are entirely closed door but if we feel any of the content would be valuable to our community, we would not release any materials without your expressed permission.
(ix) We may contact you from time to time, with any additional events, Virtual Showcase, etc. that we deem beneficial to you.
(x) By confirming your attendance with the below signature, MTB maintains the right to use any data provided by you and associate your name and organization to the MTB product offering this may include your company Logo and your profile photograph for promotion of this MTB event and MTB future events. In making this agreement you provide consent for MTB to share your details with other attendees pre, during or post event to facilitate networking.
(xi) We are committed to keep your data secure and uphold your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 and also in line with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulation. For, further information, please see a copy of our Privacy Policy at