Cutting Through The Crap

Cutting Through The Crap

by Adam Burns


Napoleon Hill famously wrote about the secrets of the successful, and what he started, thousands have continued. I have been writing about business for over 15 years, and my bookshelves groan under the weight of ‘executive’ reading: some brilliant, some controversial, some faddish, some out of date even before they were published.

Like diet books, I’ve been urged to man up ‘ eat red meat, aggressively pursue targets: or go organic, improve my EQ, seek balance. Some worked, some left me unsatisfied and windy. The point is: to improve we have to learn. We have to try things, experiment, and see what suits us.

Modern business makes huge demands of its executives. We expect more of their business abilities, more rounded management skills. And finding the right, high quality advice can be both challenging and time consuming. MeetTheBoss TV is a solution.

Ten-minute lessons from the best in the business. Incredible access to proven leaders and management training on-demand for wherever and whenever you need it. This week? Sales:

‘Enthusiasm is infectious’ – energise yourself and your sales team with our Ninja leadership academy.

‘Listen to your customers’ – learn how to grow sales in tough times, with the third in our exclusive series of ‘behind business’ programs.

‘Presentation is key’ – what makes a good salesperson? Tom Purves, CEO for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars explains.

‘Consumer demand is changing’ – exploring new sales channels with Christian Jorg, SVP for New Media at Island Def Jam.

I really hope you find the site useful. We work hard to ensure it’s not just hot air!


Human Resources

Adam Burns
Editor-in-chief and Presenter at MeetTheBoss TV

Adam has interviewed over 450 chief executives from Adidas to Zappos. He has spoken on communication, leadership, and innovation at several major conferences, for organisations as diverse as CA and CeBIT, and is Master of Ceremonies for a number of brilliant business events.