Connected Leaders: Outer you, meet inner you.

Connected Leaders: Outer you, meet inner you.

by Selma Lalji, MD, Delight Leadership Inc.

Within a world where expectations of our performance and what we ought to be capable of are seemingly superhuman, there is a strong incentive to better manage our priorities in a way that allows our careers, our families and our goals operate in a healthier, enhanced and calmer way.

However, what we tend to cast aside ourselves first, by repeatedly telling ourselves that we ‘don’t have the time’. It’s no surprise that we rarely take the time to focus on ourselves. While we are taught that the notion of self-love and care is selfish, placing an importance on ourselves forms the premise of becoming a connected leader that better responds to changing demands of our world.

This is the third article in a series of leadership posts highlighting 7 ways to transform into a connected leader. Within this article, I note three simple insights that focus on the importance of taking time to gain perspective on your life and how to connect to your inner guidance to help you make better decisions.

Insight 1: Go within

There is a simple pleasure to be had in having a quiet moment to ourselves – even if it’s just a few deep breaths or taking note of the outdoors. The seemingly innocuous can take on new meaning and do wonders for relaxation. To go within, we must find a process that helps us put our mind at ease; find what works for you – and when you do, take the time to truly center yourself and re-energise. By reconnecting, we have the opportunity to free ourselves from being bogged down. A calmer, connected leader makes better decisions.

Insight 2: Honour the present and be still

We rarely have the opportunity to stop worrying. By learning how to truly be in the moment, we can start to undo the compulsion of living in the past or the future. This leaves us room to have the personal freedom to look beyond our constraints and have the ability to gain a new perspective on how to live.

Once you invest in yourself by finding ways to go within, you are essentially learning to connect to yourself and your surroundings. Free yourself of the worry of what is to come, and while you start to learn to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and then be still in the moment, you might find yourself smiling more often, too.

Insight 3: Listen to your inner wisdom

We rarely get the chance to act on our inner voice and wisdom. Once you realise that, you can start paying attention to your thoughts. Our power and wisdom comes from learning to listen to ourselves and understanding the self-talk that plays in our minds as we go about our everyday. It takes courage and faith to listen to a voice inside that advises against or for taking certain actions.

Give your inner wisdom some credit. We have the ability to find answers; find out how we feel about aspects of our lives and give ourselves the chance to consider new possibilities when we find moments to listen to what we’re thinking and feeling.

To go within and observe is to learn how to connect to your intuition and allow that to bring you solace and support as you make decisions in your life. Invite the possibility of change by taking time to reduce stress and frustration by taking a step inwards – to access the real, happy and content ‘you’.


Selma Lalji is the Managing Director & CEO of Delight Leadership, a truly original global leadership company with heart, vibrance and creative practices to help you achieve what you desire.

Selma has a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics and worked for Deloitte United Kingdom as a management consultant within human capital. She is a Certified Coach Practitioner, specialized within Global Leadership Coaching, with a passion for creating customized approaches to personal leadership in order to help clients and organizations thrive.

Selma is also the co-founder of the luxurious feminine leadership series called Women at the Ritz™ held via workshops and events.  She is currently working on her upcoming book based on self-leadership. Stay in touch with her updates on

Selma Lalji, MD, Delight Leadership Inc.