Allowing meaning to guide you

Allowing meaning to guide you

by Selma Lalji, MD, Delight Leadership Inc.

Finding meaning is about paying attention to how you feel when you go about your daily activities and learning to understand what lifts you up or brings you down. The focus is to fill your life with experiences that constantly lift you up and raise your vibration. Finding your meaning is one way to experience contentment as a person and become an evolved leader, ready to inspire thousands.

In the second in this series of leadership posts highlighting 7 ways to become a connected leader,  I’ll be discussing the importance of finding personal meaning and understanding how this can make you a better leader. If you missed the first article in the series, click here.


A life without meaning may translate into being caught in the daily grind, with the weeks and years passing by. You may be filled with a sense that change is needed; however, you may be unsure of what needs to change, or even how to change.

A ‘connected leader’ is driven by meaning and significance. He or she takes his or her personal growth seriously. A connected leader commits to inner work that lets them evolve into a better version of themselves (that can in turn profoundly captivate and influence others).

So, how can you be more connected as a leader?

 The key is to fill your life with meaning and allow it to drive your passion.

While many of us have been taught to be driven by results and numbers, taking time to understand what you stand for could change your perception on what is important. The money, the results, the abundance will come to you much more easily when you are aligned with what drives you at your core.

Asking yourself questions is a key part of self-growth as a person and as a leader. It is only when you do the ‘inner work’ (by asking questions), that you can find the answers you really seek. This is key to my methodology in helping executives and leaders all over the world connect to themselves. You may not be able to lead others or yourself authentically if you don’t understand what drives you.

Begin by asking the following:

What do I truly love to do?

It is rare that I come across individuals that are aware of what delights them. This is a process of discovery about your passions. Let the question sit with you and the answer will come if you think about it over time.  If your answer is different than the career you have currently, don’t panic. It just means that you are now aware, so it is important to start thinking of how to bring elements of what you love into your everyday life.

What inspires me?

To be inspired means that when you pursue an activity or have an experience, it leaves you feeling lighter, energetic, at peace, happy, introspective or driven to do something different. Inspiration can affect you in both a spiritual and physical way. If you know what inspires you, all of your goals can be aligned and prioritised based on what is significant to you.

If certain aspects of your life or career make you feel drained, then it is even more important that you find balance in your life.  This can be done by giving yourself time to recharge and download energy from activities and experiences that make your heart sing.

What do I desire?

Understanding what you love to do is the first step. Understanding what moves you is the second. Finally, it is important to know what you actually desire. Desire is a powerful word, as it is a yearning from your heart that if you get the chance to achieve, will fulfill you.

In your mind, or on a piece of paper, create a list of what you have always wanted. Remember that this is part of an ongoing process to understand yourself, so be honest with yourself.

Finally, I will leave you with an affirmation to repeat: “I allow myself to discover my meaning and let my love for life guide me every day.”

If you are looking for further guidance on this type of inner work, you are welcome to find me at  You can also continue to tune into my posts at MeetTheBossTV.


 Selma Lalji is the Managing Director & CEO of Delight Leadership, a truly original global leadership company with heart, vibrance and creative practices to help you achieve what you desire.Selma has a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics and worked for Deloitte United Kingdom as a management consultant within human capital. She is a Certified Coach Practitioner, specialized within Global Leadership Coaching, with a passion for creating customized approaches to personal leadership in order to help clients and organizations thrive.

Selma is also the co-founder of the luxurious feminine leadership series called Women at the Ritz™. Stay tuned for the launch of Selma’s upcoming book on self-leadership (I call on interested publishers!)



Selma Lalji, MD, Delight Leadership Inc.